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Nine Hacks to Conquer Early Wake-Ups & Energize Your Day

A few simple changes to your routine can make you a morning person in no time.
Becoming an early riser isn’t just about setting an alarm – it’s about creating a routine that aligns with your natural rhythms and makes waking up something to look forward to.
We walk you through some practical tips to help you rise and shine.
Switch up your alarm 
Rather than wake up to a jarring tone on your smartphone alarm consider using alarm apps that simulate sunrise or play soothing sounds to wake you up gently.
Work out the best time to go to bed and to wake up 
Use a sleep cycle calculator to figure out the optimal times to go to bed and wake up in order to achieve full sleep cycles. It will allow you to avoid your alarm going off while you are in the middle of a deep sleep, making it much easier to wake up.
Establish a consistent sleep schedule
Once you know the best times for you to go to sleep and get up, aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. This helps regulate your body’s internal clock.
Expose yourself to natural light
Go outside for a few minutes upon waking to expose yourself to natural light. This helps regulate your circadian rhythm and signals to your body that it’s time to wake up.
Make a morning routine to look forward to
Plan an enjoyable morning routine that motivates you to get out of bed, whether it’s waking up to a cup of coffee, starting the day with a sun salutation, or practising gratitude.
Wake up to water
Drink a glass of water before bed and leave a glass of water by your bedside to drink upon waking up. Hydration can help kickstart your metabolism and increase alertness.
Stay consistent
Stick to your wake-up time, even if you didn’t sleep well the night before. Consistency is key for training your body to wake up early naturally.
Set goals
Establish clear reasons for wanting to wake up early, whether it’s to exercise, have more productive mornings, or simply enjoy some quiet time before the day begins.
Reward yourself
Treat yourself to a small reward for successfully waking up early, such as enjoying your favourite breakfast or spending some time on a hobby you love. Positive reinforcement can help reinforce the habit.
Love Avenue Athletica
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